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Handlebar Mount 76 /60 / for call : 021-68800617

Update Terakhir
01 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit
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1 kali

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Detail Handlebar Mount 76 /60 / For Call : 021-68800617

This is the basic design of most of the RAM mount systems. (shown here on a bicycle handlebar). A tough plastic 'cradle' (shaped specific to each GPS) bolts to the top two holes. There is a central clamp arm squeezing two hard rubber (1" dia.) balls. These parts are cast aluminum, and very tough. The clamp can be used 'loose' so the GPS can be moved or rotated just by pushing it around. Or the clamp can be tightened to prevent any movement. It does not slip when tight, or wear out the ball when loose. When used in this configuration (the "Z"bend, as in the picture above), the rubber balls, with the center arm, provide some "suspension", which is a necessary to protect electronic devices. It does not "buzz". All parts are interchangeable and extremely durable.
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